Monday, September 5, 2011

When Shiny people Tarnish

How do I start? I am amazing. There. That is it. I am amazing. I am not perfect. I am not the best of the best of the best. I am simply amazing. And you probably are too. I know there are plenty of people out there who don't make efforts to expend the potential they have to become amazing. But, let us assume for a minute they have all gotten lucky and found a majic lamp and are all living on an island somewhere drinking cocktails, eating tropical fruit, and doing their favorite thing - imagining ways to go to the bathroom without having to leave their comfy lounger.

The rest of us amazing people are still back home doing our day to day amazing things. Getting out of bed, washing off our funk, preparing and doing, preparing and doing. OK . . . so . . . some of us are amazing because we have the ability to do something WAY better than others. Some of us are amazing because we wear a smile despite whatever not-so-amazing things may be happening in our lives. Some of us are amazing because we work hard and push through. Some of us are amazing because we are visionary or loyal or organized. Sometimes, we are a combination of different ways of being amazing. I know I can be - though, I may be a part-timer in some categories. BUT . . . we are still amazing. Sometimes, other people see that we are amazing and tell us. "YOU ARE AMAZING!" but, then they pin our amazing-ness to some single random act or ability we have displayed and can't imagine that our amazing goes beyond that. Indeed, it seems they cannot ALLOW themselves to see us as amazing in more than one way - afraid our amazing will somehow out perform their amazing. And even as we try and explain to them that we are more than a pretty face/good typist/bendy circus act - they cannot hear it. All the while, letting you know how amazing THEY are and 'shouldn't we all be impressed'. hm. Have you noticed that after a while it becomes difficult to be a good person around those folks. Because you start to realize their narcissism is so deep and selfishness so blatant that you have become an accessory to them. They will declare the one amazing thing they are able to see about you loudly ( and it is in some cases one of your least amazing qualities). And ask others to gather round and look at your shiny bit - claiming that this bit needs to be seen by many and it will be a great beneficial thing for you to allow them to call upon others to view your bit - then stand in front of you in their reflective vest so that your shiny bit becomes an optical illusion present upon them. They in a way - superficially steal your bit. They could not actually take away your amazing. But, have successfully been able to trick others into believing they have the same bit of amazing as you. And aren't they a good friend for acknowledging your shiny bit. This behavior makes you want to find that lamp and send them to that island without toilet paper. You imagine their shiny vest covered in smears of feces and picture their desperation to show their amazing off to the island dwellers sunning themselves on their loungers. And whilst daydreaming their sad and lonely existence on that island - you remember that there are parts of you that are a bit ugly too. And for a minute feel less-than-amazing and forgive them a little for being narcissistic asses.

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